The Sound of Music (1965)
The Sound of Music (1965) Who said that schmaltz was such a bad thing? In the world of film, too much of schmaltz or saccharine is often viewed in a negative light. In 1965’s The Sound of Music , the film is practically running with sentimental/saccharine feelings…..and I love the movie every bit for that. This movie is viewed as the best musical of all time, and I can agree to that statement. The word that can describe the movie is joy. From the moment Julie Andrews popped on screen, waving her arms in the air against the beautiful mountain background and beginning the title song, a smile creeped upon my face and it stayed there for two hours and fifty-two minutes. The joy is infectious and each character has a sense of happiness despite the Nazis lurking in the background. This is the type of musical you’ll remember forever. I saw this movie once as a child and twenty years later, was able to sing along to such joyful songs like “Do-Re-Mi”, “My Favorite Things,” “Edelweiss”,...