Live from Baghdad (2002)
Live from Baghdad (2002) Live from Baghdad is a hard-hitting, made-for-television movie that takes place during the first Gulf War. Ironically, Mick Jackson’s HBO film was released just as the United States was getting involved with Iraq for the second time. In terms of production value, you can tell the film was made for television. What action scenes there were tended to be well-made especially that bombing sequence towards the end. The film does exhibit magnificent performances especially from Michael Keaton and Helena Bonham Carter. Thematically, the film pushes across questions that are not easy to answer. What is the role of press in the international scene? Should censorship be a viable option for countries? What would it take to show the world the “truth?” As 24-hour news groups such as CNN take over the business, coming up with the brand-new story gets harder and harder. Just ask tough-as-nails producer Robert Wiener, as he tries to make Saddam Hussein more accessible to...