Wall Street (1987)
Wall Street (1987) “The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for the lack of a better word, is good.” (Gordon Gekko) I will be the first one to tell you that I am not an expert at the financial system and probably will never me. If only to see the Michael Douglas performance that everyone raves about, I eventually had to give Oliver Stone’s Wall Street a watch. A complete turnaround from the Oscar-winning Platoon , Stone made a film that is not so much a criticism about capitalism, but how cynical the 1980’s were. The film is very intelligent, so some terms/statements flew over my head, but I got the gist. Despite that strike against me, I still found the film to be reasonably entertaining with a killer performance by Michael Douglas. Coming off the success of the war film Platoon (also starring Charlie Sheen), Stone wanted to make something different. He linked up with a friend of his named Stanley Weiser and asked him to write a screenplay about the quiz show scand...