Awakenings (1990) Awakenings is a heartfelt drama that has incredible, stirring work from both Robin Williams and Robert De Niro. In her previous film Big , director Penny Marshall gave us a human film on what it means to be an adult through the eyes of a child. She returns to deliver another human film but about recovering from a disease people deemed incurable and its aftermath. Her movie is based off Oliver Sack’s book which details miraculous recoveries from late-stage Parkinson’s Disease in 1969. Sack’s book used science and philosophy to ask some challenging questions- questions that Marshall effectively asked here. Not only are there possible issues about these awakenings, but what about the aftermath? If they are comatose for 20, 30 years and now they are back in the functioning world again, how can we give them the necessary help? As seen in the movie, these “awakenings” are not permanent. Is there a moral line that needs to be drawn somewhere? All hard questions that ne...