Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 4 "Key Decisions"

Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 4 "Key Decisions"

Release Date: November 23, 2003

We are now here at the fourth episode in the first season of Arrested Development and I continue to marvel how the show is able to carry on multiple strong storylines at once. Generally, I would focus on one storyline because the subsequent subplots are often weaker. So far, not in this series. Take for instance this episode, “Key Decisions.” There are three major storylines: Lindsay taking a stand with Johnny Bark (played by Clint Howard, Ron’s brother), GOB claiming he can escape prison with his magic, and Buster finding love with Lucille’s rival (by accident). It amazes me how much care the writers put forth into each storyline. They all add up to a theme where none of the Bluths care about a single thing for more than a day, but that really makes for some fun comedy! Also, we are introduced to another famous prop of the series: The staircar! With all modes of transportation gone, the Bluths are forced to drive this weird-looking car.

In this episode, an environmentalist by the name of Johnny Bark is taking a stand against the Bluths regarding their low-quality, high-cost housing projects by climbing up a tree which was to be removed for the project. Lindsay is told to talk to him, but instead she ends up taking a stand with him although she remains clueless. GOB decides to undergo a publicity stunt when he announces he will go the same prison as his father and escape from it. The warden decides to go along with it because he feels GOB could use the pain. Speaking of GOB, his girlfriend Marta (Patricia Velaquez) is up for an award for Spanish-language television, so Michael solves his family’s transportation problems by selling the family jet and using the Staircar to escort Marta.

There is a lot going on in the episode, and I thought mostly everything worked. My favorite subplot is where GOB decides to escape prison, where we all know he will fail miserably. Part of the reason is to avoid going to the Desi Daytime Awards show with Marta (and I love the dig where he compares himself to Rita Wilson, whom we all know is Tom Hank’s wife.) Also, I love how GOB loves it in prison (much like his father does). There is another interesting subplot I did not mention with the regular plot. Lucille heads to the awards show and Buster escorts her. There is a point where Buster blindly flirts with another old woman named Lucille (known to us as Lucille #2). Lucille #2 is played by Liza Minnelli. Arrested Development is known for casting excellent guest stars, and I think Liza Minnelli is my favorite.

Overall, this is yet another brilliant episode. It’s funny, and the plots all work well with each other. The visual motifs are on point yet again, especially when we see the model homes fall part. There was a scene where Marta knocks on Michael’s door, and glass falls down when she knocks. Funny stuff!

My Grade: A


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