Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 6 "Charity Drive"

Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 6 "Charity Drive"

November 30, 2003

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, “Charity Drive.” This episode is the sixth episode of the first season of Arrested Development, although it was meant to be the fifth episode. Both episodes have many similarities. The first similarity is that each episode focuses on rapid character development. We get to learn more about these characters and their past. For example, we learn here that Michael has an irrational fear of eating ice cream in his father’s car because he spilled ice cream when he was younger. The second similarity is both episodes were directed by Greg Mottola. People may recognize the name because he would eventually go on to direct the super funny 2007 movie Superbad. Mottola definitely brought his own vision to these episodes. While Mottola exceled at character development, the plot in these episodes are a little scattered. That is to be expected with all of these subplots, but sometimes the plot/editing felt random. That said, there is a lot of funny things that occurred in this episode.

Michael has a meeting with his company’s freeloaders and said that all of the work permits were correctly filed, but that actually proved false. In order to the move the file, Michael enlists GOB to break into the company’s building. In return, GOB wants rights on his banana stand specialty, Mr. Bananagrabber. Instead of GOB doing the dirty work, he gets Maeby and George-Michael to break into the building. After his family accuses him of being uncharitable, Michael decides to offer who he thinks is his mother’s housekeeper a ride home. Meanwhile, the rest of the episode focuses on a bachelorette auction designed to save the wetlands. The most “charitable” member of the Bluth family is Lindsay and she wants to use this opportunity to attract suitors. Lucille wants to use this auction to compete against her rival Lucille Austero (Liza Minnelli). Lucille uses Buster in her scheme against Lucille #2, but Buster just might choose the wrong Lucille.

As you can see, there is a lot to digest. My favorite subplot is the one where Michael attempts to help his mother’s housekeeper, but the woman he is trying to help is just a random Latino woman. This subplot had me in stitches, and also I was yet again impressed how much detail is put into showing Michael up as a serial killer with the decor of George Sr’s car. The nail polish spilt by Lindsay is the blood, the excavated bones left behind by Buster are the bones of a dead person, and of course the destination is the wetlands so perhaps Michael is a homicidal maniac? I think Michael needs to learn how to distinguish people!

Overall, this is another solid episode even if there is a lot to digest. The acting is great and every main character got a chance to shine. I liked how the episode ended with both Michael and George-Michael in the back of a police car. I really like the direction the season is heading in.

My Grade: A-


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