Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 9 "Storming the Castle"

Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 9 "Storming the Castle"

January 04, 2004

This ninth episode of Arrested Development when paired up with the next episode, makes for two of the funnier episodes this season. There is much to like here, and a lot to think about. The show mainly focuses on GOB’s life as a (failed) magician, and this is what I was looking forward to seeing. What also intrigued me here is seeing Michael portrayed as a bad guy (after all, he is a Bluth). Up to this point, Michael has been made out as a sympathetic character despite his shortcomings, but here we see a more treacherous side of him. He takes an office chair home from work (which George-Michael points out as stealing), and he schemes away to take Marta from GOB once and for all. It was funny seeing this side of him. There were also B-storylines concerning Maeby’s interest in leather and Buster continuing his relationship with Lucille Austero. These storylines were solid and provided laughs but stay to watch GOB try his magic skills. I must point out that this episode introduces GOB’s famed intro song, “The Final Countdown” by 80’s hairband Europe. Go ahead, sing this tune because I truly love this song!

In this episode, “Storming the Castle,” Michael is stopped by a man named Rollo while riding his bike. Rollo happens to be a member of the Magician’s Alliance and he tells Michael to tell GOB, “say goodbye to his legs.” Apparently, legs refer to the bottom portion of the “saw-in-half” trick. Michael believes that GOB is having an affair. Michael talks with Rollo and gets GOB a gig at a place named Gothic Castle. Michael invites Marta to be the top part of GOB’s trick so she can see the affair for herself and would leave him-leaving her for Michael. Meanwhile, Maeby attempts to annoy Lindsay by purchasing a leather outfit after Lindsay was complaining about killing cows. Tobias attempts to connect with Maeby by purchasing leather himself, and of course ends up at the gay bar. Also, Lucille is attempting to have Buster break up with Lucille 2.

Overall, this is a funny, funny episode. There were some big laughs watching everything unfold. It was quite fun to see a different side of Michael, and Tobias being Tobias is always amusing. This is definitely the episode to keep an eye out for!

My Grade: A


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