Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 17 "Justice Is Blind"

Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 17 "Justice Is Blind"

March 21, 2004

“Justice Is Blind” is Arrested Development’s sister episode to the last episode, “Altar Egos.” These two episodes almost play together like a mini-movie, as the storylines presented in these episodes are wrapped up. The show best trait is the sharp verbal humor, but the show can surprise you from time to time with funny physical humor, as seen in this episode. Whether it is Tobias trying to avoid the touch Maggie Lizer, or Michael throwing a Bible at Maggie to test her blindness, or finding out that Maggie’s guide dog is actually blind, there is no shortage of physical humor. Even the use of a thick plea agreement that Barry refuses to read has some time to shine. Just like the last episode, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is incredibly funny as the lawyer, Maggie Lizer.

In this episode, Michael receives a file of evidence in the case against George Sr. after sleeping with Maggie. However, he becomes suspicious on whether or not she is blind. He decides to send Tobias to investigate Maggie where he painfully learns the truth about her. Meanwhile, Maeby continues to pretend she is a disabled person in order to receive funds. GOB tries to divorce his newlywed wife (played by the lovely Amy Poehler), but it does not go as well as he hoped it would be.

Overall, this was a mostly satisfying conclusion to the mini storyline that began in the previous episode. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Amy Poehler were excellent guest stars. I liked the use of physical humor. The only thing that really has me scratching my head is Maeby’s storyline. Maeby’s character mocking the disabled for money seems a little distasteful for my liking. On a better note, the use of ‘The Ten Commandments” was hilariously integrated in the episode. I love how Lindsay threatens to sue the courthouse after injuring her foot on the courthouse’s display of The Ten Commandments because of her illogical thinking of “separation of church and state.” GOB and Michael also hilariously misinterpret the Ten Commandments as well.

My Grade: A


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