The Apartment (1960)

The Apartment (1960)

1960’s The Apartment is one of the better, more realistic films of the early 1960’s. It’s a timely, sharp film that features classic director Billy Wilder at his best. This film focuses on the theme of adultery, which was still a subject that many filmgoers did not take lightly. In fact, Fred MacMurray claimed that women would accost him in the street and disapproved of his performance. That said, contemporary critics call this film a masterpiece and I would be inclined to agree. The film, while timely and often sardonic, infuses a mixture of wry humor and a hint of sadness to make this a film you can never forget. There are actually people out there who believe this is a good holiday movie because of its setting, but I’m not entirely sure about that.

Billy Wilder is considered one of cinema’s greatest auteurs. I still cannot believe that this is the first film of his that I saw with my own eyes. Some Like It Hot, Double Idemnity, and Sunset Boulevard are very important movies I have been told. Wilder’s style of directing is often incredibly sarcastic, which is clearly evident here. He also seemed a little restrained in terms of his sarcasm, but he gave his film plenty of heart and characters that you feel for and can relate to. I can certainly relate to Jack Lemmon’s character. He is a mild-mannered man with a big heart and sometimes cannot say no. That can be me in a nutshell.

CC Baxter (Jack Lemmon) is an insurance agent who desperately wants a big promotion, like everyone else in the company. He has no family, no wife or girlfriend, and lives in a shabby apartment. Most nights, he does not have the luxury to use his apartment. Why not? Because he rents it out to his superiors so they can meet their lady needs. This gives his neighbor, Dr. Dreyfuss (Jack Kruschen) the belief that CC is actually a playboy. His superiors give his name to the head of personnel Jeff D. Sheldrake (Fred MacMurray) and that gives him the promotion. But add Sheldrake to the names of new tenants! To complicate matters, CC is in love with the elevator girl, Fran Kubelik (Shirley MacLaine). But, she is the mistress of Sheldrake’s. She just wants to be friends with CC, but a whole crazy love triangle is now set in motion.

The performances are excellent. If you think of Jack Lemmon, you associate him at being a funnyman, but he excels with his dramatic performances. I loved him in films like The Odd Couple, but this may be his best performance. It’s nothing showy, but his character is completely relatable. He just wants a promotion and a girlfriend, but it is very hard for him. He is just an extremely nice guy as well, perhaps too nice. Shirley MacLaine comes into her own here. On the surface level, her character is one of those attracted to the manly man type, but her character is deeper than that-which is rare for female characters in that day and age. She does have a sense of innocence, but you can tell there is more to that. Fred MacMurray plays a very swarmy character and does it very well. I liked Jack Kruschen’s humor as CC’s neighbor. Also, a younger Ray Walston! He remains sassy, even in his younger years.

What I find most intriguing is how the film is photographed in black and white. Around this time, color was becoming the most prevalent source of film. This film did take home the Oscar for best Picture. Only two movies have won this prestigious award since this one (Schindler’s List and The Artist). The black and white does play an important role here. Remember, this could be considered as a Christmas film. So, there would be merry decorations all over the place. The black and white would move these decors to the background and it adds to the film’s tone.

Overall, Billy Wilder’s The Apartment is hilarious, sad, and genuine film about making the proper connections in this world. The film holds up very well thanks to Wilder’s sharp screenplay and precise direction. Lemmon and MacLaine are on the top of their games thanks to characters we can relate to. I cannot stop thinking about the scenes where CC’s neighbor consistently complains to his wife that “he is doing it again.” There are many real emotional moments and the ending of the film is very good. Definitely a classic!

My Grade: A-


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