Better Call Saul: Season 1, Episode 5 "Alpine Shepherd Boy"

Better Call Saul: Season 1, Episode 5 "Alpine Shepherd Boy"

March 02, 2015

“Alpine Shepherd Boy” is the midpoint of Better Call Saul’s first season. It’s a calm, collected, and very informative episode. The pacing is slower from previous episodes, but that’s okay because its essential for the viewers to see Jimmy McGill at practice. I also like the dynamic between Jimmy and his brother, Chuck. With Chuck in the hospital for the majority of the episode, its proven to us how much Jimmy cares for his elder brother. There are moments of hilarity, sweet lines of dialogue, great direction from Nicole Kassell, and an unsuspecting ending.

After the publicity stunt Jimmy pulled, he receives voicemails from potential clients. It turns out these clients are not useful. There’s a psycho political client and there’s an inventor who is trying to invent a toilet designed…with a purpose. His last client is an older lady who wants to create a will. Kim offhand suggests to Jimmy elder law is a thing, so Jimmy decides to pursue that line of law. Meanwhile, Chuck has the police called on him because he stole the newspaper from his neighbor. He is taken to the hospital because of his disorder where the audience still needs to figure out if the disorder is psychological or not. Finally, the episode ends when Mike’s past comes to haunt him.

Despite the slower pace, Vince Gilligan created another engaging episode. The dynamic between the two brothers is on point. There are some moments of humor, especially when the police break down Chuck’s door and used their tasers on him after he said please don’t use them. Poor Chuck! Of course, I also thought Tony the Toilet is a crazy, amusing invention…in the worst way. On the whole, a very enjoyable episode!

My Grade: A-


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