Halt and Catch Fire: Season 1, Episode 4 "Close to the Metal"
Halt and Catch Fire: Season 1, Episode 4 "Close to the Metal"
June 22, 2014
June 22, 2014
to the Metal” has a lot working for this episode. It’s an incredibly fun watch and
I found this episode surprisingly relatable. I am sure this happened to everyone,
but remember the sheer panic you had when you were working on a huge project
school or work-related, but you fail to back it up. Yeah, that’s the main problem
and I thought it was shot effectively. This episode also gives more to Kerry Bishe’s
character, Donna. Donna gets chewed out at her Texas Instruments job, but she
finds herself interwoven in the Cardiff storyline. Apparently, she really does
not like Cameron (mutual feeling as Cameron wrecks the Clarks’ house as she
babysits the kids) and Joe (she really gave him a smackdown). I wasn’t too sure
of the family aspect of the Clarks in the pilot, but I admit the chemistry is
there and I am becoming more interested in the family dynamics.
this episode, Cameron fails to back up her data which makes Joe give her a lesson
or two. Speaking of Joe, he decides to have a reporter, Ron Kane of the Wall
Street Quarterly write a story about the PC clone. Kane, with all of his unimpressive
attitude, decides the story is not newsworthy. But he discovers there may be something
newsworthy about Cardiff in general. Donna and Gordon are having trouble
balancing their work and home lives. Both are struggling with their jobs and
both are on the verge of killing one another. Is their marriage going to survive?
John Bosworth is having enough of Joe’s drama, so he wants to be the one to
show Joe who truly is in charge.
is a fast-paced episode that flowed very well. After last week’s lackluster episode,
the writing is vastly improved. The characterization remains ripe as we get to
know more about these characters. You think Joe has a temper, perhaps someone
needs to rein in Cameron. Poor house and car that got wrecked! The ending
surprised me. but I was all there for it. I will not go into specifics, but
perhaps Joe deserved everything that happened.
Grade: A-
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