Halt and Catch Fire: Season 1, Episode 5 "Adventure"
Halt and Catch Fire: Season 1, Episode 5 "Adventure"
June 29, 2014
June 29, 2014
is definitely an adventure for our protagonists in this episode of Halt and
Catch Fire. The writing is beginning to catch up with our characters. In
other words, the show has some excellent character development. The episode
also shows where Joe got his manipulative streak from- his own father, Joe Sr. played
wonderfully by John Getz. In fact, this entire episode is about trying to find
a father figure. Joe with his own father, Cameron with Joe’s father (until she
realizes what a jerk he is), and Gordon with his intimidating father-in-law. Gordon
becomes more developed here. The pilot introduced him as an alcoholic man with
some high stage of depression-and that was not really shown until this episode.
He had a very amusing sequence where alcohol causes him to insult Japanese
episode seemed to skip some weeks into the future. The article from Wall Street
Quarterly was released and Cameron finally finished her BIOS code. Joe sent her
away on vacation, but she was really sent away so a software engineer team
could be hired without her interference. She comes back and is friendly with
the majority of them but not the immediate supervisor. She takes charge during
a late-night coup and a video game battle. Joe’s father comes to town which
sparks Joe’s forward thinking. Gordon has an idea about how to handle the PC’s
weight issues when he realizes LED screens exist. He has his father-in-law set
up a meeting with Japanese executives. His alcoholism could be a mighty factor
though, but luckily Joe decided to sit in the dinner with them. Donna is
improving her relationship with her own boss at Texas Instruments which could
signal the future for Gordon. Finally, after giving Joe a beatdown, Bosworth realizes
he may actually need Joe as he is underprepared for an important meeting.
this is a solid episode. There are some humorous moments mainly during Cameron’s
video-game contest and the end results. Cheaters and non-cheaters will be
distinguished in an amusing way. This episode introduces the always lovable
Cooper Andrews as one of the programmers, YoYo. Annette O’Toole shows up as
Gordon’s motherly figure and although is not given much to do, she has a solid
presence. Yeah, Joe still has that temper it seems. Poor Japanese car!
Grade: A-
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