iZombie: Season 1, Episode 4 "Live and Let Clive"
iZombie: Season 1, Episode 4 "Live and Let Clive"
April 07, 2015
and Let Clive” is a solid episode. iZombie is about to get pretty
complicated in a hurry. The episode moves at a brisk pace but keep in mind that
this episode is jam-packed with some goodies. The episode turns its gears and
pays more attention to Blaine and his schemes of extortion. It is made clear
that Blaine is definitely evil despite his charm. The episode starts off with a
riveting sequence where we see how zombies hide themselves; spray tans, hair
dye, and brain smoothies (bleh). Blaine has a zombie army in charge of his
business which is selling brains for more money; he even has a restaurant to
use as a store front. This is all very interesting and descriptive. This moves
Liv to the back, where she has some interesting moments herself.
course, we finally see the extent of Blaine’s business. We also learn that zombie
henchmen need to be wary of him because they can easily be replaced. For this
week’s brain, Liv takes on the brain of a murdered Chinese triad member.
Through the visions, Liv worries that Clive is a dirty cop. She grows more concerned
when Clive requests to take on the case alone. She and Ravi track Clive down to
a perilous Chinatown store where they learn that this ties in to Clive’s past
with Vice. Meanwhile, Major needs a new housemate so he is introduced to Ravi
and they immediately hit it off as buddies.
this is a very good episode although it can grow tricky trying to keep track of
everything. Liv’s brain gives her a sense of paranoia and she plays it off very
well. The humor is present more so here. I loved the interactions between Ravi
and Major. They exert amazing chemistry with each other. Gosh, I wish I had a
good video-game playing friend like that. Also, Liv’s brother is creepy-especially
when it comes to Peyton.
Grade: A-
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