Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1, Episode 1 "The Vulcan Hello"

Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1, Episode 1 "The Vulcan Hello"

September 24, 2017

Coming from someone who is, at best, a casual Star Trek fan, I really found much to enjoy about Star Trek: Discovery. I have seen the J.J Abrams movies and some episodes from the original series, so this is a good way to start. I believe this series takes place a decade before the original series. I found the visuals to be arresting, especially when the crew was on that desert planet. I was taken a little aback at the design of the Klingons…as they do not like what we have seen before. If I did not know any better, I would think they are glorified orcs. Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman wanted to show this race as more “sexier.” The performances are very strong. For once, we have two capable female leaders. Sonequa Martin-Green, who was fantastic killing zombies in The Walking Dead, is an inspired choice to play Michael Burnham. An even more inspired casting is Michelle Yeoh as Captain Phillipa Georgiou. Michelle Yeoh is not one I would expect for genre fare, but she is a great choice. Not the entire cast is introduced in this episode as this episode plays out more like a prologue. Some people were turned off, but I felt like it was a good way to understand our protagonist and how she acts. Because she learned from Vulcan foster parents, she uses logic (and tries to not use emotion) to dictate the safety of her captain and crew even if that means endangering her career. Also, I really liked Doug Jones as Saru, a member of an alien species called Kelpians and the science officer of the ship. As he does in most of his movies/television shows, he is disguised under lots of prosthetics and makeup. With fear being his guideline to life, there will be lots to explore with this character.

“The Vulcan Hello” begins with T’Kuvma who rallies Klingons against the Federation by teaching these ancient teachings known as Kahless. Next, we see First Officer Michael Burnham (Green) and Captain Phillipa Georgiou (Yeoh) on a relatively deserted planet helping to open a well to help end an 89-year drought. The crew of the U.S.S Shenzhou then investigate an interstellar relay where they discover an unidentified object. Saru (Jones) advises to leave but Burnham disagrees. They find an armed Klingon and Michael accidentally kills him. She warns Georgiou despite Saru claiming she is confused. The Klingons make their cloaked vessel appear and Georgiou debates whether or not she should attack. T’Kuvma has a plan to unite all the Klingon tribes. Burnham and Georgiou might be at odds to figure out the next steps.

Overall, this is a good start to the series. As someone who holds casual investment in the franchise, I am interested to see what comes next. The writing is a bit suspect here, but I think they can improve from here. Was it necessary to have Burnham associated with Vulcan? With Sarek of all people? For those who do not know, Sarek is Spock’s father, and played by James Frain here. I believe the writers felt it was necessary to cling on to what people know. There is a lot of potential here. The acting, music, production design modernizes the series. There is more action, less philosophy which I am sure will not please diehards. After such production troubles, I am pleased we got a decent series to start with.

My Grade: B+


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