Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1, Episode 6 "Lethe"

 Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1, Episode 6 "Lethe"

October 22, 2017 

For those who qualm and complain about fan service, I do not think you’ll enjoy “Lethe.” As a casual fan of the series, I found there was plenty to enjoy even if the episode is somewhat relying on its fan service to tell the story. In the pilot, we learn that Michael Burnham is the adopted daughter of Sarek…who happens to be Spock’s father. Yes, Spock is namedropped as we learn some details about why those two are not on the same page. Something to do with the Vulcan Expeditionary Force. The main focus of this episode is a rescue mission for Sarek, whose ship was attacked by a Vulcan terrorist group. It may be another episode that focuses on Michael’s daddy issues, but an important one, nonetheless. Sarek is an important part of Michael’s life as he is responsible for her upbringing. All the right emotional notes were hit. Jason Isaacs continues to show incredible acting prowess as Lorca, the captain who lives life on the edge. There are things here that make me question Lorca’s mental aptitude…just as Admiral Cornwell is doing. Why is he making love with a pistol holstered to his body? There definitely needs to be some answers.

The Ambassador’s ship is seriously damaged after an attack from a Vulcan “logic extremist,” a fancy phrase for terrorist. His wounded katra reaches out to Michael who in turns convinces Lorca to make haste for a rescue mission. The other major storyline revolves around Lorca and how he does not go by the rules…even if he consistently delivers results. Everything that happens left the door open for the Klingons to capture Cornwell in a trap designed for Sarek. That was a really awesome way to end the episode.

Overall, there is much to like here. This is more of a traditional episode when compared to what came earlier. Old lore is at play here. Even if we do not meet Spock, his presence is heavily acknowledged. Call that fan service or whatever, but something has to connect to the older series to bring in new possible fans. I have seen some episodes here or there, but this season so far has done wonders of making me a fan of this world. I also really like Tilly. I seem to be the only one, but what can you do.

My Grade: A-


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