Legend (1986)
Legend (1986) I am a sucker for any fantasy movie. I can even be drawn in to watch the horrible ones and still find some joy. So, when I discovered that the visionary director behind Alien and Blade Runner directed a fantasy film reminiscent of the tales of King Arthur and Lord of the Rings , I made it my mission to seek the film out. There are multiple versions of the film, so I am reviewing the American version which came out in 1986. The production design and the makeup are true works of art and the visual eye candy really stands out. That said, I wish I could have said the same thing about the story itself. The performances are fine, but the script is mediocre. Thankfully this is a Ridley Scott film, or I am afraid this film would have been utter dreck. There are multiple versions of the movie. As I said, the American version was released in April 1986 to unflattering reviews. Trivia fact time! The film was released in the UK in 1985 with a slightly longer version. The f...